Pacific Rootz Tattoo & Body Piercing – Maui Hawaii

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Samson - Pacific Rootz TattooPacific Rootz Tattoo & Body Piercing is the longest running Tattoo studio in Kihei, Maui. Award winning and published artist. Home of the Contemporary Pacific Island Tattoo.

All styles of Tattooing! Different applications of Tattoo: Machine, Hand pricking, Hand Tapping…
Hawaiian Locally owned and operated. Friendly and experienced artist. Single use needles and tubes.

If you’ve always wanted a tattoo, but have only been waiting for the right time and the right artist, look no further than Pacific Rootz Tattoo. Home to the most talented and creative artists and tattoo specialists on the island.

Call or Email at: (808) 891-1828 –
Open 10am – 8pm Monday – Saturday and 10am – 6pm Sunday.

For more information about Pacific Rootz Tattoo and Body Piercing, BECOME A FAN ON FACEBOOK.

Pacific Rootz Tattoo
& Body Piercing
1847 South Kihei Road #102
Kihei, HI 96753

Pacific Rootz Tattoo

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