Urgent Care Maui – Kihei Hawaii (808) 879-7781
Urgent Care Maui – Kihei Hawaii (808) 879-7781
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At Urgent Care Maui our informal and comfortable office welcomes you, in any condition, attire, and for any need. Urgent Care Maui was established 32 years ago, providing services unmatched any where by anyone. The only Clinic that anyone can walk in to for any medical reason, at any time of morning noon and night, weekends and holidays, be seen, have minor labs done, x-rays, treated and walk out with medication (if needed) in less than an hour in majority of cases. All for a fraction of the cost of a hospital visit!
Our highly skilled physicians treat each patient with compassion and dignity. Urgent Care Physicians Group is committed to listening to each patient’s concerns and aggressively treating common ailments.
Our services include: Family Medicine, Primary Care Services, Chest X-rays, Asthma Treatments, Immunizations, Pregnancy Testing, Glucose Testing, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Urology, Cardiovascular Health, Electrocardiograms (including exercise EKG), Ultrasound, Fitness Testing, and OB/GYN Services.
We specialize in treating: Headaches and Migranes, Influenza, Serious Colds, Allergies and Rashes, All types of Infections, Ear, nose and Throat Ailments, Hypertension/High Blood Pressure, Asthma, Sleeplessness, Weight Management, Digestive Problems, Kidney Stones, Anemia, Pregnancy Testing, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Urinary Tract Infections, Tonsilitis, Strep Throat, Lacerations, Dislocations, Bronchitis, Gout and Arthritis, Insect Bites, Sunburns, Thrush, Vertigo, Vomiting and Eye Injuries and Infection.
Medical Care when you need it. Open 365 days a year.
For more infomation vist Urgent Care Maui’s web site at: www.UrgentCareMaui.com
Urgent Care Maui
1325 So.Kihei Road, Suite 103
Kihei, Hawaii 96753
(808) 879-7781
Maui Memorial Medical Center Foundation with Makana
On Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012 the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa’s Grand Ballroom presented a live performance by slack key guitarist Makana for a special fundraiser, benefitting the Maui Memorial Medical Center Foundation.
The eclectic music of Makana provided a perfect entertainment backdrop for guests to enjoy appetizers and a silent auction, with a portion of the proceeds going to benefit The Maui Memorial Medical Center Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide philanthropic support to Maui Memorial Medical Center.
A portion of the proceeds from the event’s contributions help purchase lifesaving medical equipment, fund community outreach and provide training for clinical staff.
For more information about the Maui Memorial Medical Center Foundation, go to:
To find out more about Makana, go to:
West Maui Improvement Foundation 808-661-7990
Joseph Pluta is the President of the West Maui Improvement Foundation Inc., a 501-c-3 Public Charity.
The Mission of the WMIF, with Public Charity designation 501-C-3 from the IRS, is to improve the West Maui Community by receiving and expending funds for the erection and maintenance of public buildings and services as well as community facilities such as our West Maui Hospital and Medical Center. The WMIF is restricted from direct political campaigning and lobbying or raising funds for those purposes.
West Maui Hospital The campaign to bring a new hospital is a community wide effort, spearheaded by the West Maui Improvement Foundation, lead by a highly dedicated set of volunteers who are putting their professional skills to work for this good cause because of their belief that a community can solve complicated issues and produce positive change. This team of volunteers is backed by solid group of consultants and specialists who also believe in the cause and are bringing their professional skills to bear at minimal cost. Click here for Board of Directors.