Chakra Center Yoga at Sports Club Kahana – Maui Hawaii
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West Maui Yoga – Chakra Center at Sports Club Kahana
Chakra Center Yoga located in Sports Club Kahana is the ideal Yoga Studio for training in Kahana, Napili and Kapalua.
Yoga means Union. Yoga unites the mind, body, and spirit. For any yoga practitioner, it is important to try out different styles of yoga and instructors to find the right match for you. Some styles are strong and dynamic, while others are gentle and calming. Some instructors may incorporate a spiritual element to the practice, while others focus solely on the physical element and precise alignment. In all studio yoga classes, benefits include increased flexibility, range of motion, strength, balance, coordination, and endurance. Yoga is also a great form of stress reduction.
Learn the foundation of yoga postures: forward bends, backbends, twists, standing poses, and seated poses. Emphasis is on proper alignment. Variations are offered for the beginner to the advanced student. Yoga is a great class for those who wish to increase balance, flexibility, and strength while learning to relax. Good for any athlete and all ages. Extra time is spent on breath work and the specific points of each posture.
This fluid practice of yoga synchronizes movement with breath. Music is played to enhance the experience on your mat. Be prepared to journey through multiple postures. Knowledge of Sun Salutations very helpful (Chair pose, Updog, Downdog, Warrior I, etc…) Bring a towel because you will likely sweat!
This type of yoga is high energy, fun, and faster paced than most yoga practices, therefore it is recommended that you have a regular yoga practice of 6 months or more before attending class, not appropriate for beginners. Power, Dynamic, and Vinyasa Yoga improves physical and mental stamina, strength, and endurance. Advanced asansas are included (inversions and arm balances) as well as asana sequencing. Your core body temperature will rise resulting in purification through sweating. Please bring a towel.
A fusion of yoga, Pilates, and sports conditioning. Bring a yoga mat with you to class.
4327 Lower Honoapiilani Road
Lahaina, HI 96761-9213
(808) 669-3539
Chakra Center Yoga
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