MMA Maui Fighting Championships – Dec. 15, 2012
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Cravalho Entertainment presents a weekend of MMA action at the 2012 Family Martial Arts Expo and Fundraiser to benefit TOYS FOR TOTS! Incredible MMA action at The Maui Mall, located at 70 East Kaahumanu Avenue Kahului, HI 96732.
This incredible Maui MMA event starts Friday December 14th at 6:30, with “Just Kicking It” Kick Boxing and No-Gi Cage Grappling. Tickets $15
Main Event: Brandon “The Viper” Visher vs Linc Merrit
Analu Mattos vs Makaio Martin
Chad Nishikuni vs RJ Asuncion
Kapono Antunez vs David Haoli
Kawika Grace vs Marley Tau
Nathan Feitosa vs Leon Klee
Keep up the MMA action all day, Saturday December 15th from 10am to 4pm for the FREE Maui Mall & MFC Martial Arts Expo on the Center Stage (in front of the Cinema!)
The fighting continues with “A Night of Champions” at Maui Mall, Saturday December 15, 2012 with a great line up of Cage Fighting Title Matches!! Action begins at 6:30pm. Tickets $25.
Main Event: Lolohea Mahe vs Matt Kovaks: Heavy Weight Title Match
Co-Main Event: Sale Sproat vs JT Taylor: Middle Weight Title Match
Justin Cook vs DJ Tadena – Amateur Fly Weight Title Match
Randen Abafo vs Bysen Blohao – Light Weight Title Match
Miki Feitas vs Haley Pasion – Womens Fly Weight Title Match
Chris Acang vs Alvin Kanehailua
Ikaika Poaipuni vs Chevis Antoque
Kapena Liu vs Ray Milovale
The weekend comes to a close on Sunday, December 16th, 2012 at The Kahului Ale House with the CD Release Party for MAOLI. Enjoy great music and after party from 10pm to close with DJ Money Mike and other special performances. Oh Yeaaaahhhh!
For more information about these events go to:
Stay connected on Facebook at:
A Special Thanks to the following supporters of this MMA Event on Maui!
Maui Mall, Toys For Tots, Native 92.5, Monster Energy Drinks, Bud Light, Pacific Cancer Foundation,
Tiki Lounge, Kahului Ale House, IMM – Intense Motorsports Maui, Just Wing It, Maui Harley Davidson,
Maoli Music, Mr. Sub, Maui Rents,MFC – Maui Fighting Championships, MFL – Maui For Life, Paradise Tropical Ice, XD – Xturnal Depth, YNVU and HFG – Hawaiian Fighting Gear!
Chakra Center Yoga at Sports Club Kahana – Maui Hawaii
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West Maui Yoga – Chakra Center at Sports Club Kahana
Chakra Center Yoga located in Sports Club Kahana is the ideal Yoga Studio for training in Kahana, Napili and Kapalua.
Yoga means Union. Yoga unites the mind, body, and spirit. For any yoga practitioner, it is important to try out different styles of yoga and instructors to find the right match for you. Some styles are strong and dynamic, while others are gentle and calming. Some instructors may incorporate a spiritual element to the practice, while others focus solely on the physical element and precise alignment. In all studio yoga classes, benefits include increased flexibility, range of motion, strength, balance, coordination, and endurance. Yoga is also a great form of stress reduction.
Learn the foundation of yoga postures: forward bends, backbends, twists, standing poses, and seated poses. Emphasis is on proper alignment. Variations are offered for the beginner to the advanced student. Yoga is a great class for those who wish to increase balance, flexibility, and strength while learning to relax. Good for any athlete and all ages. Extra time is spent on breath work and the specific points of each posture.
This fluid practice of yoga synchronizes movement with breath. Music is played to enhance the experience on your mat. Be prepared to journey through multiple postures. Knowledge of Sun Salutations very helpful (Chair pose, Updog, Downdog, Warrior I, etc…) Bring a towel because you will likely sweat!
This type of yoga is high energy, fun, and faster paced than most yoga practices, therefore it is recommended that you have a regular yoga practice of 6 months or more before attending class, not appropriate for beginners. Power, Dynamic, and Vinyasa Yoga improves physical and mental stamina, strength, and endurance. Advanced asansas are included (inversions and arm balances) as well as asana sequencing. Your core body temperature will rise resulting in purification through sweating. Please bring a towel.
A fusion of yoga, Pilates, and sports conditioning. Bring a yoga mat with you to class.
4327 Lower Honoapiilani Road
Lahaina, HI 96761-9213
(808) 669-3539
Chakra Center Yoga
Sports Club Kahana on Facebook
Uncle Jesse’s Place – Maui Hawaii
Uncle Jesse’s is Maui’s one stop shop to pick up all your survival and hunting gear. Whether you’re just starting a new hobby or you’re a seasoned vet, Uncle Jesse’s is the place for you. Not sure exactly what you need? Come in and uncle Jesse’s will be happy to answer any questions for your particular hobby.
Uncle Jessse’s Place carries a wide spectrum of surplus goods, including camping equipment, Martial Arts & Self Defense gear, Military Supplies, Apparel and more!
Recently Uncle Jesse’s has expanded into the fast growing world wide sport of MMA as they have opened up a new store: Uncle Jesse’s MMA Place. Maui’s premier shop for all the fight gear you’ll need. Whether you’re training to jump in the ring, training to stay in shape or not training at all and just want to look sharp in the hottest new fightwear on the planet, Uncle’s Jesse’s MMA Place has it all.
Both store’s are locally runned businesses so you know you’ll be treated with aloha the moment you walk in. Don’t let the competition put you into submission! Come in and get the quality gear you need TODAY!
Uncle Jesse’s is located at:
39 Central Ave, Wailuku HI 96793
Ph: 808-244-0053
Uncle Jesse’s MMA Place is located next door at:
33 Central Ave, Wailuku HI 96793
Ph: 808-244-9054
STORE HOURS Tuesday-Friday 11am – 5:30 pm ; Saturdays 10:30 am – 2 pm
Click Here to Visit Uncle Jesse’s Place Online!
Maui PowerHouse Gym – Maui Fitness
Each year, Maui PowerHouse Gym offers great deals on fitness enrollment fees and gives away dozens of FREE items to help you get a head start on your workout and fitness regime.
Maui PowerHouse Gym is located at 1279 S. Kihei Rd. Kihei, Maui, HI 96753.
At Maui Power House Gym, our goal is simple to give you the tools and guidance needed to get in the best shape of your life! In addition, we provide the best equipment and a motivated staff to keep you focused and on track.
Our facility is for everyone from novice exerciser to avid bodybuilder. Our knowledgeable staff and experienced personal trainers are here to help no matter what your fitness level.
Do you want to improve your health, increase your fitness level, and benefit from overall wellness? We can help! We don’t expect you to take our word for it. Come in today and see for yourself.
Maui PowerHouse Gym
1279 S. Kihei Rd. Kihei Maui, HI 96753
Maui PowerHouse Gym – Kihei, Hawaii
Maui Powerhouse Gym is located at 1279 S. Kihei Rd. Kihei, Maui, HI 96753.
At Maui PowerHouse Gym, our goal is simple to give you the tools and guidance needed to get in the best shape of your life! In addition, we provide the best equipment and a motivated staff to keep you focused and on track.
Our facility is for everyone from novice exerciser to avid bodybuilder. Our knowledgeable staff and experienced personal trainers are here to help no matter what your fitness level.
Do you want to improve your health, increase your fitness level, and benefit from overall wellness? We can help! We don’t expect you to take our word for it. Come in today and see for yourself.
Maui Powerhouse Gym
1279 S. Kihei Rd. Kihei, Maui, HI 96753
Sports Club Kahana – Maui Hawaii
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Sports Club Kahana is located on oceanfront property in beautiful Kahana Maui. The BEST fitness facility in West Maui! Sports Club Kahana was founded in 1993, serving the Valley Isle for nearly 16 years. Our mission is one of health and love mixed with hard work and dedication. We strive to provide a sanctuary for our members and Maui visitors where they can renew their spirits while conditioning the body and mind. When it comes to equipment and services, we invest in the best equipment and work with the most experienced and knowledgeable instructors and personal trainers available. We have the largest studio on West Maui where we hold a variety of group fitness, yoga, Pilates, and dance classes. Our club also features many perks that are hard to find in your average gym, public computers with internet access, tanning booths, infrared saunas, kids programs and childcare, and discounts on island activities and coupons for local stores. Above all, the feeling of going to the beach vs going to the gym is whatsets us apart. We are situated on oceanfront property with a great view of the ocean from our sports club. Watch our promo video then come on down and check us out for yourself. Maui visitors ask about your free week!
We offer the following services:
* Weight Training Equipment
* Yoga & Pilates Classes
* Group Fitness Classes
* Cardio Equipment
* Boxing, Kickboxing, & Martial Arts
* Cycling classes
* Personal Training
* Child Care
* Kid’s Dance
* Kids Martial Arts
* Nice Locker Rooms
* Two Floors of Equipment
* Discounts on Island Activities
* Infrared Saunas
4327 Lower Honoapiilani Road
Lahaina, HI 96761-9213
(808) 669-3539
Sports Club Kahana on Facebook