Hawaii Magazine

hawaii magazine

hawaii magazine subscribeAfter 30 years, Hawaii Magazine continues to be the state’s only National / International magazine. It is also the largest paid circulation magazine in the state.

Hawaii Magazine inspires travel to the Hawaiian Islands. Whether in the print magazine, in the digital magazine, on the website, or across any of Hawaii Magazines media platforms – this mission is the same.

Hawaii Magazine seeks to bring Hawaii’s beauty, places, culture, food, people and stories to life in a way that makes the visitors’ experience deeper, richer and more authentic.

Hawaii Magazine reaches Hawai‘i enthusiasts locally, nationally and internationally. With each bimonthly issue, Hawaii provides insight into how to experience the best the Islands have to offer. The magazine helps readers plan for new vacations and fondly remember past ones. Through our stories, readers experience Hawai‘i in more depth, gaining an understanding of history, culture and landscape.

Hawaii Magazine is primarily subscriber based. We have 68,000 total paid subscribers, verified circulation, and single copy sales at Barnes and Noble, Longs Drugs, Costco, Safeway, Foodland, Shoppers Drug Mart (Canada), key airport locations and other retail outlets throughout the Mainland and Hawaii.

Hawaii Magazine provides its more than 200,000 readers per issue with an intelligent and well-informed connection to the Islands. If you are planning a trip or simply reliving memories, Hawaii Magazine will remind you why Hawaii is the most extraordinary place on earth and why once it enters your heart, it never leaves.

Hawaii Magazine is much more than just a magazine – the brand extends across platforms to reach an engaged and responsive audience. Each of Hawaii Magazine platforms are strong in their own right, the numbers below speak for themselves. But when platforms are combined with a cross-media advertising plan, Hawaii Magazine becomes a uniquely powerful and cost-effective vehicle for your brand to engage with an unduplicated audience of more than 2 million Hawai‘i travelers.

Hawaii Magazine
1000 Bishop St., Suite 405, Honolulu, HI 96813

For more information about Hawaii Magazine, go to: www.HawaiiMagazine.com

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FishPipe Hawaii – Water Ride

FishPipe Hawaii – Water Ride

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The Fishpipe is the world’s first Rotating Barrel Ride – a new and unique type of water ride where you slide further than the longest water-slide in the world! The FishPipe is now debuting in Hawaii!

Fishpipe HawaiiUp to 3 riders at a time enter into the Fishpipe barrel; we add 75 litres (20 gallons) of water and then spin the barrel at up to 45 revolutions per minute (although we can slow it right down for the kids and those with nervous dispositions.) The water makes it so slippery inside that riders don’t get spun around, but stay sliding in the water in the bottom of the barrel.

Solo riders can try to run inside, slide, or even try surfing on their feet. With 2 or 3 riders inside they slip and slide together – frontwards, backwards, or sideways.

The Fishpipe consists of a steel frame suspending an inflatable barrel. The Barrel is rotated in place at up to 45 rpm by an electric motor and some clever electronics. Our water system removes water from the barrel after each ride, cleans and filters it ready to pump in fresh water for the next ride.

For more information go to: FishpipeHawaii.com

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Maui Fishpipe
1975 S Kihei Road, Kihei Hawaii
10:00 AM – 7:00PM (7 days a week)

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Kohala Divers – Big Island Hawaii

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Aloha & Welcome to Kohala Divers, a PADI 5 STAR dive center on the sunny Kohala Coast! We have been servicing your underwater needs from the same location for over 25 years. We are located in the Kawaihae shopping center just 10-15 minutes north of many major resorts such as the Marriott Waikoloa, Hilton Waikoloa, Mauna Lani, Fairmont Orchid, Mauna Kea Resort and the Hapuna Prince Hotel. Kohala Divers is equipped with your entire Rental and Retail needs including SCUBA, snorkeling, kayaking, boogie boarding and more. We also stock a large selection of surf and beach wear.

The Big Island of Hawaii is known for its crystal clear waters, its huge variety of fish and invertebrate life, an abundance of green sea turtles, white-tip reef sharks, manta and eagle rays, varieties of dolphins, whales and more. The Kohala Coast, located on the NW side of the Big Island of Hawaii, offers all this and more. Due to our location we are able to show you the variety that Hawaii has to offer in a truly crowd free manner! Our 20 dive sites range from Waikoloa, to Puako, to North Kohala, with few more than a half-hour ride from the harbor.

The crew of Kohala Divers is very excited to share with you the intricate terrain, hidden lava tubes, and favorite critters. By swimming slowly and taking interest in both the big and the small we hope to give you a unique experience that will keep you coming back for more!

We look forward to you joining us aboard Kohala Diver for a SCUBA, whale watch or Snorkel tour.

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Visit Kohala Divers’ Website!

Kohala Divers Ltd.
61-3665 Akoni Pule Hwy. Box 44940, Kawaihae, HI 96743

Mon – Sun: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Kohala Divers - Hawaii Scuba

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Hawaii Ocean Adventures

Expeditions Maui to Lanai FerryHawaiian Canoe ClubWest Maui SportsKohala Divers HawaiiProDiverMaui
All About Fish MauiFriendly Charters Lani KaiHana Canoe ClubBig Kahuna AdventuresAloha Blue Charters
Molokai Fish & DiveThe Butterfly Effect MauiTri Paddle MauiMaui Sporting GoodsMaui Diving Scuba Center
Ed Robinson's Diving Adventures - Maui ScubaMaui Snorkel Tours with Suzzy RobinsonTurtle Town MauiStand Up Paddle Boarding School MauiWindward Boats - Oahu Hawaii
Spirit of Lahaina - Maui HawaiiOle Surfboards - Custom Surfboard ShapingAaron's Dive Shop - Oahu HawaiiHooked Up Fishing Supply - Maui  HawaiiHawaiian Island Surf and Sport Maui
Pacific Whale Foundation - Maui HawaiiMaui Trailer Boat ClubMaui Whale Watch Magazine
Ocean Sports - HawaiiLahaina Cruise Company